
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Almond "Breaded" Chicken

When I successfully made steak fingers a few weeks back using almond flour as the breading, I realized I could do that with other meals too.  One of my husband's favorite meals ever (I know I say that a lot- he just loves everything I make!) is an old family recipe from when I was growing up.  We call it "skippy chicken" but don't even ask why- it's a family thing.  But really, it is just chicken coated in Italian bread crumbs and pan fried in olive oil.  That's it.  Super easy but for some reason, it is just so delicious.  So for the Paleo version, I made my own Italian "bread crumbs" using almond flour.  Just like with the steak fingers, it gives the coating a bit more of a crunch which I really enjoyed, and since I made my own, I got to control the seasonings just to my liking.  So really, this was a great version of the original- I think it might be better, but the hubby still loves the old standard version the best.  Hard to change a classic!  Regardless, this was delicious.  I will definitely make this again!  Here is what I did:

Almond "Breaded" Chicken
(makes 4 servings)
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 c almond flour
  • 1 t dried basil
  • 1 t dried oregano
  • 1/2 t garlic powder
  • 1/2 t onion powder
  • 1 t salt
  • 1/4 t black pepper
  • 2 t fresh chopped parsley (or 1 t dried)
  • 1 egg
Slice each chicken breast in half (like you are butterflying them) to end up with 4 thin breasts (you want them thin so they will cook through when frying).  In a shallow dish, combine almond flour with herbs and spices until all mixed together.  Beat the egg in a bowl.  Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.  While it is heating up, prep the chicken.  It works well to make a little assembly line of chicken->egg->flour->skillet.  Dip each piece of chicken in the egg, then coat both sides really well with the flour mixture.  Place chicken in the hot skillet and cook for about 3 minutes on each side (until golden brown).  You may need to do multiple batches- don't crowd the pan!  Add more oil between batches if necessary.  Once the chicken is browned on both sides, it is ready!

I served this with butternut squash (leftover from another meal) and cauliflower.  We ate it right up and luckily the hubby will have some leftovers to take with him to work tomorrow.  It was so delicious and easy, I would highly recommend you try it!

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