
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sauteed Kale

I realized that I haven't done too many posts focused solely on vegetables, and that should change.  A big part of Paleo (and any healthy diet) is eating vegetables, so here is a super healthy one to try out: Kale. I never made kale before this, and I wasn't really sure what to expect.  It's one of those foods that is all over the internet right now as "the" health food, so I had to see what all the fuss was about.  I am no nutrition expert, but I read all about the super powers of kale, and apparently it is one of the most vitamin-rich and healthy veggies out there.  So this is a really simple side dish that was super easy and fast to make, is filling, and is packed in nutrition.  Here is what I did:

Sauteed Kale
(serves 2-4)
  • 1 head kale, roughly chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • salt & pepper
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1 t lemon juice
Heat a large skillet over medium, and add about 1 T olive oil.  Once it is hot, add the garlic and stir it around for a minute or so.  Next, toss in the chopped kale.  It might be too much to fit in the pan at once, but it will cook down fast and then it should all fit.  Sprinkle some salt and pepper over top and toss it all around (I used tongs).  Finally, add a little bit of lemon juice and give it another toss.  Allow the kale to cook down for a few minutes (I probably cooked it for about 10 min, tossing occasionally), until it is softened but not too wilted.  Turn off the heat, and serve!
I served this with some grilled shrimp and it was a great side.  Kale is pretty lemon-y and a bit acidic, but has a great crunch and texture.  Try it out as a side to almost anything (and you can take out the lemon juice if you don't want the added citrus with your dish).  Enjoy your super food!

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