
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Acorn Squash Fries

These squash recipes are getting kind of out of control.  But here's the thing: it's Fall and there is so much squash around to use!  I really wasn't going to do so much with squash, but last weekend my husband and I went out to a pumpkin patch in hopes of picking out some pumpkins (which we did!).  But not only did the patch have great pumpkins, they also had a TON of fresh squash on the cheap.  I could not pass up the chance for fresh squash at great prices. Of course I had to get one of each- spaghetti, acorn, and butternut.  Secretly, I wish I had bought more (and I may have to go back).  These squash were the best I've ever had. Okay, enough about my love of squash.  I had an acorn squash, and I needed something great to make with it.  I decided to go with an idea I found via Pinterest and make fries!  Literally this is one of the easiest sides to make and you can use a lot of different veggies/starches to make a similar dish.  The acorn squash was a perfect choice and these were great!  Here is what I did:
Acorn Squash Fries
(serves 2-3)
  • 1 acorn squash
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic salt (or seasoning of choice)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Peel your acorn squash (I actually sliced mine into chunks first to make it easier), remove the innards, and slice the squash into fry-like pieces. Line them on a baking sheet (try not to overlap) and drizzle a bit of olive oil over top (enough to lightly coat them).  Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic salt, and give them all a stir so every piece is evenly coated.

Bake in the oven for at least 30-45 minutes, flipping/stirring occasionally.  If you get impatient like I did and you want them crispier, after 30 minutes, switch the oven to broil and broil for only 3-4 minutes, then flip fries and broil for 3-4 minutes.  NOTE: If you broil, watch them VERY carefully because broilers can burn your food if you leave it too long!!

Once they are as crispy as you want, serve them up!

We ate these with some pork chops and salad, and they were a great side.  Super easy, and much healthier than your typical potato fries.  Try them out and enjoy!

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